lørdag den 12. juni 2010

6 weeks and are getting BIG

Had a wonderful visit from Merete and her mother. Baby Hasmina = Ms. Pink or Light Lillac will be moving to Græsted in 2 weeks,
Nia is still giving them milk, but she looks like she is not enjoying it so much anymore - which is understandable with teeth and nails ...

6 weeks and are getting BIG

søndag den 6. juni 2010

5 weeks old - busy days with visit from puppybuyers

Weather has been great and the puppies have enjoyed some wonderful days in the garden. Gahsan finds them very interesting, and puppies enjoy playing with him - still on each side of the fench. He is big, and not sure if he knows how small they still are.
Had a really nice visit from Sonja & Sophia from Austria. Soon one of the boys will immigrate to Austria and we had such a nice time togther

5 weeks old

tirsdag den 1. juni 2010

Congratulations to daddy Thanzi for BEST MALE

The Norwegian Ridgeback Club has just had their annual RR-day with a large number of exhibitors. The H-babies dad LV EST DK SUCH NUCH NORDCH NORDV-08 FINV-08 BISS-08 RUBISS-10 Kangelanis Gentle Thanzi By Clay did a SUPER job with mum Marit and became best male. Congratulations Marit & Thanzi .

onsdag den 26. maj 2010

Puppies had their first "real" meal

A few days ago, the puppies were introduced to their first real meal. They got puppy food mixed with some milksupplement. Most of them liked it, and all was eaten.

Day 24 - 25 - mixed pictures

Day 24 - 25 - mixed pictures

Day 24 - 25 - mixed pictures

torsdag den 20. maj 2010

Day 20st - visit from Caroline and the boys Gustav & Markus

Here Ms. Min with her friend Mr. Lion

Today we had a very nice visit from Caroline and her boys Gustav & Markus. The puppies enjoyed the attention, and the boys loved having puppies in their arms again as Carolines last litter is now 7 months old.

Day 20st

Day 20st

Day 20st

onsdag den 19. maj 2010

Day 19th

Puppies are moving more around in the whelpingbox. They have started playing with eachother, which look quite cute. They might also have gained their hearing now, as they seem to react on sound
Names have been registred with the Danish Kennel Klub and will be published shortly

Mixed pictures day 19th